About me

Hi I’m Krishna.

A friend/sister/daughter/girlfriend.

A social media maven.

A full time learner.

An explorer & all time enthusiast.

A foodie.

And an aspiring Creative Strategist.

: )

 What unique thing do I bring to the table?

You have 100 other things to be done today and 100 more stories to read. So why would you stay here and read my story? Hm, let’s say I’ll make sure I make your time worth it and by the end of it you’ll know someone who’s passionate enough for what she does. So here we go.

Born in a town declared as a first world heritage city by UNESCO- Ahmedabad, I have loved growing up around the architectural wonders. I have been fascinated with art since I was four, sketching, painting, decorating were my favourite things to do. As I grew up I knew I had to do something with creativity so I even started my art blog (last year) but I wanted more. After contemplating enough, I decided not to pursue my bachelors in Art or Design and instead go for Business. I believe that decision changed my life. Now five years later along with my creative skills I have honed my marketing and strategic skills, giving me an edge by combining the two. You can find my artwork here.

This brings us to my first value in life: I love marketing and studying consumer insights, but creativity is what always helps me think differently. 

Living in a country with more than 25 different cultures for more than 20 years of my life has taught me a lot of things. Growing up with different people from different backgrounds & speaking 3 languages helped me have a broader perspective for understanding humans. A reason why I always try to build deep connections and meet new people. I never miss an opportunity to travel so that I can meet people around the world, get to know them and understand them better.

Which brings us to my second value in life: I love humans, there’s no exaggeration when I say this. 

I’m going to be very honest here, I have never been the brightest student in the class or the one who knows everything. But I never fail to adapt or try out new things. Be it organizing an art workshop and a fundraiser, learning a skill online or travelling to a new country all by myself. I even challenged myself for a 30 days self-growth project, where I tried learning/doing one new thing everything. Through all of this, I have only realized one thing which is never holding back myself from any opportunity coming my way.

Bringing us to my third & final value in life: Learn. Doesn’t matter how small the thing is, always embrace all learning.

Featured Blogs:

The Sukhi Project | 15 Ideas to Encourage Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace

Through the human resource leadership of your company, your company recruits an inclusive and diverse workforce. This workforce includes a wide range of ethnicities, races, genders, ages, and perspectives. Hiring people with such diverse backgrounds and identities reflects the company’s inclusivity with pride. Read more.

The Sukhi Project | 5 Tips on How to Communicate with your Employees in a Time of Uncertainty

The occurrence of this crisis is unprecedented and has greatly impacted our lives. The way our businesses worked has also transformed drastically.  With massive layoffs happening, a steep fall in profits and chaos prevailing across the entire organization, the importance of a unified authority and leadership becomes quintessential.

The Sukhi Project | 5 Ways to Deal with Stress as Workplaces Reopen

We are well into June of 2020, and many of us have reached or surpassed the three-month mark of shelter-in-place and coping with working from home. Some of us may even feel like working from our dining room tables or living room couches is the new normal, and the news of companies starting their transition back into physical office spaces can seem a little daunting – stressful even.

Let’s Talk