Beloved blogs

For many years now I have cherished reading articles and blogs that help me learn something new. I mostly devour upon self-help, lifestyle, digital marketing, advertising, branding & creative blogs. Fun fact: There are over 152 million blogs on the internet, source: 

I couldn’t have been more grateful for the person who came up with the idea of blogs!

Blogs are a compelling source that can help both the writer and the reader in myriad ways. For the writer, I believe they have a platform for creating a difference, expressing themselves, sharing their knowledge and marketing their brand. For the reader, it’s the perfect source to find information, get exposure to things they don’t know about & finding free solutions. 

Fun fact #2: 77% of internet users read blogs regularly. Source: Hubspot

Having been inspired by my favourite blogs, I started writing. It has helped me express myself much better and portray my story more confidently. So here’s a list of blogging pages that I can binge on any time of the day.

  1. Social Media week

Social media week gives me all the information regarding what’s going on in the social world. They encompass all the digital giants and they also have a range of podcasts to listen from. Moreover, the best thing I love about Social Media Week is their weekly #5Things through which they send a report of the best five things that happened in the social media world in partnership with Grey. 

  1. Feedly

Feedly has been my go-to app for news and insights related to the topics I am interested in. The best thing about Feedly is that once you follow the industry you love, they give a wide array of bloggers for us to choose from and read. Basically they are the curators for all the giant bloggers. 

  1. Business Insider

If you just want to know what’s happening in the world, Business Insider is the blog. From news to business and strategy they have everything. One thing I also love about them is their Youtube channel that keeps you informed about all the affairs throughout the world. 

  1. Adweek

If you are an advertising frenzy, this blog is for you. From the latest talk-worthy ads to the best of advertising agencies they comprise everything related to the advertising field. They also conduct some cool events and webinars to connect all the advertising and marketing professionals. I attended one in New York and had an amazing time learning and listening to some of the industry pioneers. 

  1. Medium

If you are a true reader, you have to read this blog! Medium has out of the world content and one can always revel in their creative content. They provide articles based on my reading history and also tell me how long the read is eg. 3 mins, 4 mins etc so that I can plan my read accordingly. The only drawback of Medium is that most of its rich content is only accessible to the paid subscribers. 

  1. Ideas.ted

I have always loved Ted, be it TedTalks or TedEd or Ideas.ted. They never fail to come up with subjects that are simply unique. Though I don’t read Ideas.ted every day, it is always a good time whenever I read them. They do not post content every day which can be a con for them and sometimes you might feel like the articles are something you’d already know about but their visual representation and interactive design is what makes me their big fan. All the colours and pictures just make reading a lot more fun!

  1. Marketing Profs

More of a training platform, Marketing Profs gives out all the resources needed for marketing. Their blog is pretty much for people who have a keen interest in core marketing and technology. 
Few of my other favourite blogs also include Hubspot, Psychology today, Flipboard, Sprout Social, Single grain, The Drum and Millenial Money. They all have something different to offer and it’s always good to keep your reads wider!