Nineteen Affinities

Could you imagine what life would be like without passions, hobbies or simple affections? If you know me well, you’d know I love different things and people. So here’s a list (most favourite to the most random)of things I love.

  1. Aesthetics:

This has to be number one on my list because I really can’t stand anything that isn’t aesthetic. After all visual appeal is everything right?

  1. Colours:

I love colours, be it in the form of paints, crayons, clay, candies, nail paints anything! They just make me happy.

  1. Painting/Sketching:

It’s been almost 2 decades now, I don’t think I’m ever giving up on that. Painting has been my go-to for many reasons.

  1. Travelling:

Everybody loves it, don’t they? But for me, I like trips that teach me, that make me go out of my comfort zone and learn. I love seeing new faces, new cultures and new explorations. These experiences are of a life-time.

  1. Managing events:

Decor-check, people-check, food-check, flowers-check. 

  1. Making deep connections:

I have always been a people-person, I would never miss a chance to meet someone new, learn about them and talk about things that really matter and that can make me perceive things differently.

  1. Music: 

If I’m mourning, ecstatic or just want some drama- music is my go-to.  Bollywood, rap & hip-hop music are my favourite ones.

  1. Lavender:

I know I mentioned colours above, but this colour just has my heart.

  1. Friends:

A die-hard fan, for a lifetime.

  1. To-do lists:

As lazy as I might be in completing them, I love making to-do-lists. They just help me feel the pressure (or maybe not).

  1. Journalling:

That dry spring leaf? The ticket to the museum we went to? Antique stamp? Give it all to me!

  1. Red wine and cheese:

Can I go wrong with this one? Do I even need to explain?? (I’m a big-time foodie)

  1. Cute Cafes:

Because why not. I can stay there for the whole day and complete everything you give me. Some of my favourite cafes are Zen cafe (India), Tatte, Neighbourhood Crepes (Boston)

  1. Face Highlighter:

Well, who doesn’t need that extra glam? Wear that highlighter and make yourself glow!

  1. Smiles:

If I make you smile even for a tad bit of reason, it makes me happy. I just love seeing people smiling and happy. I wish I could do that to a new person everyday..

  1. Succulents:

Cute, little, heart-melting plants that add up to the beauty of any space. They just make me feel a lot more positive. 

  1. Indian heritage:

Exploring the local artisan work and exquisite palaces built decades ago for kings and queens, depicting the compelling stories just leaves me in awe of history. My personal favourite places are Jodhpur, Jaipur & Udaipur (The Rann of Kutch is still in my bucket list)

  1. Stationery Shops:

I’m sure you must have guessed this by now. 

  1. Packaging:

I haven’t been the best designer, but I love logos, packaging and designs that convey and portray a strong brand message. Great packaging definitely makes a product much more significant to me. My recent favourite one is the Daily Harvest smoothie packaging. 

So these were a few small things that actually make my life worth living.